How does Therapy help me?

The process of sharing how you feel with another has long been known to ‘lighten the load somewhat’ (a problem shared is a problem halved for some). This is taken to the next level by speaking to a highly skilled and experienced professional who listens actively at numerous levels.

My role is to facilitate an environment whereby you have time and space to speak freely without judgement or criticism and really uncover what is going on for you.

We work together towards a shared understanding and discuss alternative ways of working with your issues.

I am a little nervous

It may feel unsettling to consider speaking with another about your inner most issues, this is normal and why also building a good working alliance has been proven to be one of the most important factors in most therapies, assisting clients to better outcomes.

What approaches do you use?

I integrate three main approaches Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Person Centred Therapy and CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I can explain more about these if need be however most clients simply want my help and are not always interested in understanding the mechanics of the approach used.

Why three you may ask?

Each offers a different way of helping clients, my experience confirms that being able to adapt to a clients changing needs is essential and as we are all different it affords flexibility so as to closely align the best approach in that moment, you need not worry about this as I will be guided by what you present.

It includes understanding conscious and unconscious processes, your relationship history, identifying your thought processes and behavioural patterns and showing you other ways of thinking if we agree it is problematic, as mentioned we will also focus on our connection together as this is central to our work.

So what next then?

Whether you are completely new to therapy or not I have made it really simple for you to move forward.

Just make contact using button below and when I receive your contact information you will be invited along for a free 15 minute call to see if you are ok with working with me.

There is no further obligation, if it isn’t right for you do not continue.

This may be the beginning of a new you!

Get in touch

I work weekdays and some evenings from my private practice room in the Chislehurst location.

Please feel free to contact me for an in initial chat and I will do my absolute best to help – and if for any reason I am unable to I will help you find somebody who can.

Thanks for visiting and I look forward to your contact.

Best wishes, Pete


I am located in Merlewood Drive, Chislehurst, UK


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In this video, I introduce you to my counselling and coaching services, explaining how it works and the benefits it offers.

Working together for a better future...!


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